Executing Logprep

To execute Logprep the following command can be executed in the root directory of the project:

logprep run $CONFIG

Where $CONFIG is the path or a url to a configuration file (see Configuration).

To get help on the different parameters use:

logprep --help

Event Generation

Logprep has the additional functionality of generating events and sending them to two different targets. It can send events to kafka, while also loading events from kafka or reading them from file, and it can send events to a http endpoint as POST requests.

Following sections describe the usage of these event generators.


The kafka load-tester can send a configurable amount of documents to Kafka. The documents that are being send can be obtained either from Kafka or from a file with JSON lines.

It can be configured how many documents should be retrieved from Kafka (if Kafka is used as source) and how many documents will be sent. Documents obtained from Kafka won’t be written down to disk.

The documents will be sent repeatedly until the desired amount has been sent. The tags field and the _index field of each document will be set to load-tester. Furthermore, a field load-tester-unique with a unique value will be added to each document every time a document is sent. This is done to prevent that repeatedly sent documents are identical.

To find out more about the usage of the kafka load-tester execute:

logprep generate kafka --help


The kafka load-tester is configured via a YAML file. It must have the following format:

Example configuration file for the kafka load-tester
logging_level: LOG_LEVEL  # Default: "INFO"
source_count: INTERGER  # Number of documents to obtain form Kafka
count: INTERGER  # Number of documents to send
process_count: INTERGER  # Number of processes (default: 1)
profile: BOOL  # Shows profiling data (default: false)
target_send_per_sec: INTERGER  # Desired number of documents to send per second with each process. Setting it to 0 sends as much as possible (default: 0).

bootstrap_servers:  # List of bootstrap servers
    - URL:PORT  # i.e. ""
consumer:  # Kafka consumer
    topic: STRING  # Topic to obtain documents from
    group_id: STRING  # Should be different from the group_id of the Logprep Consumer, otherwise the offset in Logprep will be changed!
    timeout: FLOAT  # Timeout for retrieving documents (default: 1.0)
producer:  # Kafka producer
    acks: STRING/INTERGER # Determines if sending should be acknowledged (default: 0)
    compression_type: STRING  # Compression type (default: "none")
    topic: STRING  # Topic to send documents to
    queue_buffering_max_messages: INTEGER # Batch for sending documents (default: 10000)
    linger_ms: INTEGER # Time to wait before a batch is sent if the max wasn't reached before (default: 5000)
    flush_timeout: FLOAT # Timeout to flush the producer (default 30.0)
ssl:  # SSL authentication (Optional)
    ca_location: STRING
    certificate_location: STRING
    location: STRING
    password: STRING # Optional

Unused parameters must be removed or commented.


The http endpoint allows for generating events based on templated sample files which are stored inside a dataset directory.

The dataset directory with the sample files has to have the following format:

| - Test-Logs-Directory
| | - Test-Logs-Class-1-Directory
| | | - config.yaml
| | | - Test-Logs-1.jsonl
| | | - Test-Logs-2.jsonl
| | - Test-Logs-Class-2-Directory
| | | - config.yaml
| | | - Test-Logs-A.jsonl
| | | - Test-Logs-B.jsonl

While the jsonl event files can have arbitrary names, the config.yaml needs to be called exactly that. It also needs to follow the following schema:

Example configuration file for the http event generator
target_path: /endpoint/logsource/path
    format: "%Y%m%d"
    format: "%H%M%S"
    time_shift: "+0200"  # Optional, sets time shift in hours and minutes, if needed ([+-]HHMM)

To find out more about the usage of the http event generator execute:

logprep generate http --help